Gender Studies 8/28/2016
Unfortunately I have to drop my gender studies class, as it does not transfer to NAU. Another life lesson, I can't tell you how much I have learned about myself and the culture here in Ghana after only one day in class. Gender and sex are viewed differently within every culture around the world; the roles we play, how we view ourselves and our place in this great big world.
On my first and only day in my gender studies class, we were asked to contribute our definitions of gender and sex. As an American student I was initially appalled by what I heard. One woman raised her hand and stated that she believed women were born subservient to men. Another raised her hand and stated that women in positions of power have supernatural powers. Her reasoning, men are born to be strong leaders, women are not and therefore must have supernatural powers in order to be a leader. These are not the beliefs of everyone here, but they are the beliefs of some.
I could not keep my hand down or my mouth shut. When called on by the professor I stated that I believed men and women were equal and they have different things to contribute but both contributions are equally important. When I finished sharing my perspective I was immediately surrounded by an uproar of laughter, this was apparently the most ridiculous thing I could have said.
For the next few days I would reflect on this experience and I would get myself all worked up. How could anyone believe that someone is better than them or that their values and beliefs were better or worse than anyone else's? Insert foot in mouth... Jennifer, how can you believe that your thoughts are better than anyone else's? Because I am ethnocentric and I need to calm down. Ghana is a progressive, developing country, many people come to the University of Ghana from very small villages far from the city. Religion is a huge part of the culture here. Ghanaian people are born into a culture that is different from mine, their life experiences are different from mine. It didn't feel very good to have a classroom of people dismiss my thoughts, and I should not dismiss the thoughts of others. I believe in enlightenment and empowerment. Everyone needs to know that there are different schools of thoughts and different ways of life. I believe it is important to have the freedom to choose which beliefs and values you want. But in the end the choice is up to you. I am attempting to dismount my high horse, open my mind and grow a new set of eyes that are less judgmental and more receptive to the beautiful people and culture that now surrounds me. I can look around and see so many strong, beautiful, driven , hardworking women. It is my wish that one day all women will view themselves with the same respect and strengths that I see.
On my first and only day in my gender studies class, we were asked to contribute our definitions of gender and sex. As an American student I was initially appalled by what I heard. One woman raised her hand and stated that she believed women were born subservient to men. Another raised her hand and stated that women in positions of power have supernatural powers. Her reasoning, men are born to be strong leaders, women are not and therefore must have supernatural powers in order to be a leader. These are not the beliefs of everyone here, but they are the beliefs of some.
I could not keep my hand down or my mouth shut. When called on by the professor I stated that I believed men and women were equal and they have different things to contribute but both contributions are equally important. When I finished sharing my perspective I was immediately surrounded by an uproar of laughter, this was apparently the most ridiculous thing I could have said.
For the next few days I would reflect on this experience and I would get myself all worked up. How could anyone believe that someone is better than them or that their values and beliefs were better or worse than anyone else's? Insert foot in mouth... Jennifer, how can you believe that your thoughts are better than anyone else's? Because I am ethnocentric and I need to calm down. Ghana is a progressive, developing country, many people come to the University of Ghana from very small villages far from the city. Religion is a huge part of the culture here. Ghanaian people are born into a culture that is different from mine, their life experiences are different from mine. It didn't feel very good to have a classroom of people dismiss my thoughts, and I should not dismiss the thoughts of others. I believe in enlightenment and empowerment. Everyone needs to know that there are different schools of thoughts and different ways of life. I believe it is important to have the freedom to choose which beliefs and values you want. But in the end the choice is up to you. I am attempting to dismount my high horse, open my mind and grow a new set of eyes that are less judgmental and more receptive to the beautiful people and culture that now surrounds me. I can look around and see so many strong, beautiful, driven , hardworking women. It is my wish that one day all women will view themselves with the same respect and strengths that I see.